Hyper-V Hosting

we looking @ offering our software asp solution one of our clients. not have large enough user-base require multiple web servers have availability requirements mean need duplicate tiers.

to cost meet requirement planning on hosting on virtualised platform can provide 2 web servers, 2 applications servers, 2 database servers mirroring , 1 database mirror witness server.

we can provide of less $1500 month using gogrid.

however have been exclusively microsoft-only shop, , have (positive , good) internal experiance on running hyper-v since first beta. of vps hosting providers (such gogrid, flexiscale) can find run on either vmware of xen.

does know of companies offering virtual servers based on hyper-v? have found one, layertech. , prices not lower there phsical dedicated server offering. if use layertech might deploy set of physical servers.

hope can help. if dont exist, i'm seeing real business opportunity someone!


check them out.  use them regual hyper v hosting.  not sure if or else offers ha on hyper v platform


Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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