SNMP installation issues

i have requirement win2008 rc1. used install snmp components win2k3 cd on win2003 server , configure through services. there no option install component cd. how install ? or installed default. have same on core , enterprise version?


after installation have following req:

1. go computer --> manage --> services & applications -->services
2. under find extended , standard sheets, choose standard
3. snmp services
4. double click on snmp services
5. choose agent tab --> edit contact field "localhost" , location field "localhost"
6. choose traps tab --> choose community name "public" , under trap destination --> add-->hostname-->"localhost"
7. choose security tab --> under tab --> accepted community names --> click on public --> choose --> community rights as    "read_write" , community name "public"
8. under same tab choose -->accept snmp packets these hosts --> , add "localhost"

now restart serverservices ( right click , restart )
restart snmp trap services.


please let me know how on win2k8 rc1.


you can add snmp service , wmi provider using "add feature" option in server manager.  you'll see "snmp services" listed right below "smtp" option.


Windows Server  >  Platform Networking


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