FTP Task moves files but does not change the file to ASCII

i have ssis package picks text files linux ftp directory , returns them local sql server further processing.  problem seems though i  set "istransferascii" operation in ftp task editor "true" file still not useable after move.   way can make work open manually in wordpad , save it.

conversely if use utility winscp , set transfer settings "text" file usable. 

not sure issue files suspect has unix style lf conversion windows style crlf linebreaks.

am on right track?  , if know how fix in ssis?

this first post here let me know if picked wrong catagory here.  thanks!


the ftp task comes ssis not work unix/linux. there compartibility issuse. there wrote ::
"it seems likley incompatability between ftp client/servers. there many flavors , versions of ftp on unix , our client not 100% compatible of them."

please visit following link more clarification::

" https://connect.microsoft.com/sqlserver/feedback/viewfeedback.aspx?feedbackid=150196&wa=wsignin1.0 "

let try this

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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