List COM Objects
these 2 solutions posted:
1) gci hklm:\software\classes -ea 0| ? {$_.pschildname -match '^\w+\.\w+$' -and (gp "$($_.pspath)\clsid" -ea 0)} | ft pschildname
, simpler one:
2) get-wmiobject win32_comclass
first 1 great because returns pschildname can use in $xl = new-object -comobject <pschildname>
second 1 shorter, , 1 use, far cannot find pschildname in form xxxxxxx.yyyyyyy $xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
thoughts ?
hi cyreli,
the first command doesn't return every com class, those where progid matches pattern of <letters>.<letters>.
the win32_comclass doesn't directly contain progid of of classes, time cross reference with the values contained within win32_classiccomclasssetting wind extremely slow executing query.
what place function such 1 detailed james brundage here( into powershell profile it's availible. execution time is fine , takes 64-bit computing account (which nice...)
function get-progid { #.synopsis # gets of progids registered on system #.description # gets progids registered on system. progids returned can used new-object -comobject #.example # get-progid #.example # get-progid | where-object { $_.progid -like "*image*" } param() $paths = @("registry::hkey_classes_root\clsid") if ($env:processor_architecture -eq "amd64") { $paths+="registry::hkey_classes_root\wow6432node\clsid" } get-childitem $paths -include versionindependentprogid -recurse | select-object @{ name='progid' expression={$_.getvalue("")} }, @{ name='32bit' expression={ if ($env:processor_architecture -eq "amd64") { $_.pspath.contains("wow6432node") } else { $true } } } }
if haven't done already, below 2 lines create profile you..
new-item ($profile -replace "\\[^\\]*ps1$") -itemtype directory notepad $profile
then paste in function definition profile, restart powershell , voila, done.
you of course exact same thing code source article (as note, if do, i'd replace call format-table @ end select. way can send results of function off down pipeline without many problems, formatting cmdlets should @ end of pipeline).
hope helps,
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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