Public Folder Query

i trying capture information in single command from:


using following command. i'm struggling getting replicas have in bold.

get-publicfolderstatistics "\intern" -server mail02-bh | select-object name,folderpath,@{label="replicas";expression={(get-publicfolder $_).replicas}},itemcount,totalitemsize,creationtime,lastaccesstime

any ideas on i'm doing wrong?

very strange, using -join for?

i'm joining array that's returned single string:

ps c:\scripts\powershell scripts\misc testing\12-3-2014> get-publicfolderstatistics '\scanning' |      get-publicfolder |         select -expandproperty replicas  exchange-pfdb1 exchange-pfdb2  ps c:\scripts\powershell scripts\misc testing\12-3-2014> (get-publicfolderstatistics '\scanning' |      get-publicfolder |         select -expandproperty replicas) -join ','  exchange-pfdb1,exchange-pfdb2

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