unable to identify Silverlight controls using CodedUI plugin

hi, using visual studio 2013 codedui project. have code automation out-of-browser silverlight 5 applciation. silverlightuihelper.dll has been added in actual silverlight applciation , code has been built using reference dll. after installing updated code , trying use object spy visual studio 2013 plugin installed, still unabel object properties. see following error: missing here? please help.... "no silverlight controls detected. verify application under test built using silverlight assemblies version of 4.0 or greater , reference microsoft.visualstudio.testtools.uitest.extension.silverlightuiautomationhelper.dll assembly has been added project. more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/


unique identification has been added controls.


i think may caused application.
debug application loacating problem.

besides, here has tutorial microsoft visual studio 2013 coded ui test plugin silverlight,please have see:


best regards,

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