Get specific domain groups and their members; output to a tab delimited format
i have a user wants list of users belong specific set of groups. want results in particular layout, giving me problem. want following in tab delimited format:
username groupname groupdescription
username1 groupname1 groupdescription1
username2 groupname1 groupdescription1
username3 groupname2 groupdescription2
any ideas on how achieve this? of groups located in specific ou have same prefix.
i've attempted using quest's activeroles management shell active directory no luck. appreciated.
get-qadgroup | % {$a = $_;$a} | get-qadgroupmember -type user | ` select @{n="username";e={$}},@{n="groupname";e={$}},@{n="groupdescription";e={$a.description}} ` | convertto-csv -delimiter "`t" -notypeinformation
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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