exchange 2003 migration


i have  ad windows 2003 server , exchang server 2003 installed  on (in 1 box) , bought new hardweare  activeand want upgrade  ad 2003 server  ad windows 2008 server , migrate old exchange 2003 server new hardware  on same server that

that has  ad win 2008  , installing exhange server 2003 server (i not want u pgrade exchange 2007 server)

what  right  steps for   mration

best  regards



first cannot install exchange 2003 on windows server 2008, second not recommended run exchange on dcs multiple reasons.

see here exchange requirements:

for ad upgrade see:

please aware demoting d exchange installed not supported, exchange must uninstalled before demoting it.

best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

Windows Server  >  Migration


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