Issues in batch script variables

i using windows server 2008 standard edition.

have batch script copies file 1 folder , renames file unique number using variable.
batch script not working because cant use variable in script on windows server 2008.

on windows server 2003 have used rktools.exe provided microsoft server 2008 not getting anything.
please issue.

script uses loop
rem set /a cnt=0
%%i in (%appspath%*.*) (
    set /a cnt+=1
    echo count: %cnt%
    rem echo s file: %%i
    set att1 = %%i
    set att2 = %%~ni
    rem set att3 = %%~xi
    rem echo att1: %att1%
    copy %%i %tmppath%%%~ni%cnt%%%~xi
echo total count: %cnt%

here variables not working

if there no solution please guide me other way achive this.



as issue seems related development/coding, focus on general question here, not best support resource development. quick , better support on scripting/coding, recommend initial new thread further support in msdn forum. community members , support professionals there more familiar script , can give support in efficient way.


for convenience, have list link msdn forum.


msdn forum


thanks understandings.

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