Need to do a condition check - completely stuck....


...learning -  baby steps now...

here playing with:

import-csv c:\work\test2.csv | foreach-object { if (get-aduser $_.samaccountname) {write-host "removing $($_.samaccountname)" -fore green}else{write-host "skiping $($_.samaccountname)" -fore yellow}}

what happening when accounts listed in file exist in ad  - works ,  i getting line written "removing such , such account", when account not exist in ad,  listed in file getting error:

get-aduser : cannot find object identity: 'aa1' under: 'dc=...,dc=
@ line:1 char:63
+ import-csv c:\work\test2.csv | foreach-object { if (get-aduser <<<<  $_.samac
countname) {write-host "removing $($_.samaccountname)" -fore green}else{write-h
ost "skiping $($_.samaccountname)" -fore yellow}}
    + categoryinfo          : objectnotfound: (aa1:aduser) [get-aduser], a
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : cannot find object identity: 'aa1' u
   nder: 'dc=...,dc=....,dc=edu'.,

even if this:

import-csv c:\work\test2.csv | foreach-object { if (get-aduser $_.samaccountname) {disable-adaccount $_.samaccountname}  #i getting same error...

i thought "else" should have taken care of - not... doing wrong? guess trying accomplish @ least see (write-host) account being disabled , not...  please advise.

it seems get-aduser following pattern of "if user exists, return it, if not, throw error", whereas assuming follows "if not, return nothing."

you can try using -erroraction common parameter suppress errors when calling get-aduser:

if((get-aduser -$_.samaccountname -erroraction silentlycontinue)){ ... }



Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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