RDCMan and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder


i’m using rdcman encoder streaming pc’s seems working good, eats network resources when zoom video screen shot.  let me give information have done in apartment. first able see video @ on fmle needed change color depth 24 bit default it’s 16 bit results in black screen instead of video need see (btw i’m using windows xp 24 bit color max). 

so did testing:

·         no video – 0.01 mb/s

·         25% zoom video – 4 mb/s

·         50% zoom video  - 16 mb/s

·         100% zoom video – 32 mb/s

my network resources limited 100mb/s 1gb/s still think eats of network. there way reduce video quality without losing video @ all. sorry bad english , hope can give suggestion.




as far know, reduce or keep bandwidth minimal following factors effect this:


1  reduce color depth

2  reduce session dimensions

3  remove redirected devices sessions

4  ensure bitmap caching enabled



please find more information on bandwidth calculations.


http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/ts-product-home.aspx - whitepaper describes performance characteristics based on options select in rdp.



bandwidth allocation terminal server connections on rdp








Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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