Automatically Updating Drivers without Group policy


@ company work @ have started pushing video card driver updates out through wsus. while users have had no problems installing them have had trouble automating process. basically, have 7 computers continuously running tests cannot interrupted, except @ 430 in morning when reboot. have script reboot , trying make these computers install updates before reboot. i've tried wuinstall, remote reboot x, script: , one: http://msdn.microsof...28vs.85%29.aspx work great installing windows updates not single 1 of them installs driver updates well! updates show high priority , other updates install no problem, every single script/program use trying automate updates says "no updates available" though windows update icon still there. have tried on both windows xp , windows 7 computers , have had same result, using wsus sp1 on server 2008. help/link program/script appreciated.


hi blake,

try wuinstall /install /includedrivers, see

best regards,


Windows Server  >  WSUS


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