Block network printers on Terminal Server

running windows 2008r2 terminal server. domain users have logon script maps printers. how can block these network printers being installed on terminal server? 

thanks sjmp

hi sjmp,

i use the @producttype variable kixtart , works great. vbs script may here and modify use like.

option explicit

dim strcomputer, objwmiservice, colclass, objclass, strmode

strcomputer = "."
set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2")
set colclass = objwmiservice.execquery("select * win32_terminalservicesetting")

each objclass in colclass
strmode = objclass.terminalservermode
if strmode = 1 then
'bypass printers installation
'continue installation of printers
end if

set objwmiservice = nothing
set colclass = nothing
set objclass = nothing


and yes, script part of ad user profile.

using empty file should option too, though. use gpp , create new file on ts servers @ location of desire , using vbs use "if exist file ... goto end else execute subroutine install printers"

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Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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