Daylight savings time update for melbourne timezone


i had been searching on internet dst update/hotfix "utc+10 canberra, melbourne, sydney" timezone, daylight savings due start on october 2nd, found none. 

can shed light on whether microsoft releasing anytime or microsoft products unaffected change?

we have microsoft exchange(server) , outlook/outlook web access(client) in our environment. 


i had been searching on internet dst update/hotfix "utc+10 canberra, melbourne, sydney" timezone, daylight savings due start on october 2nd, found none. 

when did australian government announce change?

there revised dst update rollup released last month (aug 23), replaces last update dec 2010.

this update not appear include australian changes. question of lead time relevant here. suggest checking microsoft download center , knowledge base hotfixes may have been released in past month, or released in next 2 weeks.

lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba, mcsa
principal/cto, onsite technology solutions, houston, texas
microsoft mvp - software distribution (2005-2011)
mvp profile:

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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