how to understand [Product].[Product].[Product].members?

the first product dimension name, second attribute hierarchy name, what's third product? level?


it same whether use user-defined hierarchy or attribute hierarchy. [dimension].[hierarchy].[level]. if have more after it, in: [product].[product].[product].[great bottle of scotch], last bit member reference (if preceded & reference key of member, otherwise - member name). in other words: [dimension].[hierarchy].[level].[member (name)] or [dimension].[hierarchy].[level].&[member (key)]

in attribute hierarchy have 2 levels - (all) level , leaf level, named same attribute hierarchy. therefore if talking product attribute hierarchy, [product].[product].[product] again refers level, happens right under level. why if do: [dimension].[hierarchy].members member + leaves, , if include level, don't member.

boyan penev ---

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Analysis Services


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