Installing Fonts With Powershell
i'm trying install bunch of fonts using vb or powershell. understand it's not enough copy fonts c:\windows\fonts these days. i've been having problems using shell.application object though. if run:
set objshell = createobject("shell.application")
set objfolder = objshell.namespace("c:\fonts")
set objfolderitem = objfolder.parsename("sbd_____.pfm")
nothing happens, either otf,ttf or .pfm fonts. fonts copied fonts folder don't show in apps or in registry.
the fonts install if add : objfolderitem.invokeverb("install")
is line literally doign same thing if manually install font when right clicking file?
my powershell script looks :
$fonts = 0x14
$objshell = new-object -comobject shell.application
$objfolder = $objshell.namespace($fonts)
can add command objfolderitem.invokeverb("install")? or there install command powershell?
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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