Deny log on but allow admin authentication

i deny log on access users of particular domain allow them provide admin access regular users.  

to more clear:  say have user account we'll call 'usera' member of 'domaina'.  i give usera admin rights on computer block users 'domaina' logging on desktop regular user. 

i found policy at 'computer configuration/policies/windows settings/security settings/user rights assignment/deny log on locally' policy denies users domain elevating admins.  is there way i'm looking for?

> privileges domain-b account).  however, not want these
> users able login in windows domain-b account.
you cannot. elevate, user must have "allow logon locally"...


mal ein gutes buch über gpos lesen?

no not evil, if know doing: or bad gpos?
, if bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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