I want to look at the RID allocation table for a DC. What do I do

hi ;
want @ rid allocation table dc. do ?



further research indicates ridallocationpool pool used next. pool rid's allocated determined ridpreviousallocationpool. in cases find 2 attributes identical. script should be:

option explicit    dim objridset, objallocpool, objprevallocpool    set objridset = getobject("ldap://cn=rid set,cn=myserver,ou=domain controllers,dc=mydomain,dc=com")  wscript.echo "myserver next rid: " & cstr(objridset.ridnextrid)    set objallocpool = objridset.ridallocationpool  wscript.echo "start of next pool: " & cstr(objallocpool.lowpart)  wscript.echo "end of next pool:   " & cstr(objallocpool.highpart)    set objprevallocpool = objridset.ridpreviousallocationpool  wscript.echo "start of prev pool: " & cstr(objprevallocpool.lowpart)  wscript.echo "end of prev pool:   " & cstr(objprevallocpool.highpart)
again, rid's allocated "previous" pool. can information using command:

dcdiag /v

run @ command prompt on dc.

richard mueller
mvp adsi

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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