SSIS Script task to convert XLSX files with multiple sheets to CSV file
**** posting again moved previous post vb forums, the reason here on c#, vb code that can fit ssis script task****
i have been strunggling find solution convert xlsx files multiple sheets csv file. can 1 please me.
>> convert xlsx file multiple sheets csv file
>> csv file names : xlsx filename + '_' + sheet name
>> scirpt has in vb using ssis 2005
>> started develping scirpt using . dll referenced script task.
>> found bellow web link useful.. because not god @ progarmming, couldn't understnad of it.
thanks in advance
' microsoft sql server integration services script task ' write scripts using microsoft visual basic ' scriptmain class entry point of script task. imports system imports imports system.math imports microsoft.sqlserver.dts.runtime imports excel = imports public class scriptmain private shared mworkbook workbook private shared mworksheets sheets private shared mwsheet1 worksheet private shared oxl excel.application private shared errormessage string = string.empty enum scriptresults success = microsoft.sqlserver.dts.runtime.dtsexecresult.success failure = microsoft.sqlserver.dts.runtime.dtsexecresult.failure end enum public sub main() dts.taskresult = dts.results.success try dim sourceexcelpathandname string = "c:\users\vijay\documents\m.xlsx" dim targetcsvpathandname string = "c:\users\vijay\documents\multi" dim excelsheetname string = "sheet1" dim columndelimeter string = "|#|" dim headerrowstoskip integer = 0 if convertexceltocsv(sourceexcelpathandname, targetcsvpathandname, excelsheetname, columndelimeter, headerrowstoskip) = true msgbox("passed", msgboxstyle.information) else dts.taskresult = cint(scriptresults.failure) end if catch ex exception dts.taskresult = cint(scriptresults.failure) msgbox(dts.taskresult, msgboxstyle.information) end try dts.taskresult = dts.results.success end sub public shared function convertexceltocsv(byval sourceexcelpathandname string, byval targetcsvpathandname string, byval excelsheetname string, byval columndelimeter string, byval headerrowstoskip integer) boolean try oxl = new excel.application() oxl.visible = false oxl.displayalerts = false dim workbooks excel.workbooks = oxl.workbooks mworkbook =, 0, false, 5, "", "", _ false, xlplatform.xlwindows, "", true, false, 0, _ true, false, false) mworksheets = mworkbook.worksheets dim ws worksheet each ws in mworksheets dim range excel.range = ws.usedrange dim rngcurrentrow excel.range integer = 0 headerrowstoskip - 1 rngcurrentrow = range.entirerow rngcurrentrow.delete(xldeleteshiftdirection.xlshiftup) next range.replace(vblf, " ", type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, _ type.missing, type.missing) range.replace(",", columndelimeter, type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, _ type.missing, type.missing) dim targetfile string targetfile = targetcsvpathandname & & ".csv" mworkbook.saveas(targetfile, xlfileformat.xlcsvmsdos, type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, _, type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, type.missing, false) if ws isnot nothing ws = nothing end if next if mworkbook isnot nothing mworkbook.close(type.missing, type.missing, type.missing) end if if mworkbook isnot nothing mworkbook = nothing end if return true catch ex exception errormessage = ex.tostring() return false if oxl isnot nothing oxl.quit() end if system.runtime.interopservices.marshal.releasecomobject(oxl) if oxl isnot nothing oxl = nothing end if gc.waitforpendingfinalizers() gc.collect() gc.waitforpendingfinalizers() gc.collect() end try end function end class
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