Help with unique directory/file security request

i've been asked division of company rearrange our file structure on our network attached storage servers. however, i'm having little trouble coming solution manage file security on new structure in way doesn't create burden on department. here's skinny:

currently our file structure organized department. on our nas's have these parent folders: accounting, engineering, quality, etc.. secure these directories no-brainer, create 2 active directory security groups , give 1 full access , other read-only access corresponding directory. example, quality folder have quality full access , quality read-only security group assigned appropriate permissions on it.

now management wants change structure parent directories aren't organized department, rather part number (we're manufacturing facility). want, example, parent folder called "pn1234567" , directories beneath folder various departments accounting, quality, etc.. need assign unique permissions each of these departmental folders within part number directories, , can't think of practical way of going doing it. wouldn't huge issue except have on 1000 part numbers...

i can understand why want arrange files in manner because corresponds specific part number can found in single location instead of having hunt through directories searching related files/documents. know of way can simplify application of permissions way?

hi carlk4574,

wow have hands full.

with knee jerk reaction sounds job dfsn , heres why that:

1) correct permissions have been applied existing structure - appearance of structure of files need change.

2) scriptable on 1000 part numbers excel , batch files friend

3) because not changing location of files won't break working

how? glad asked :)

lets take hypothetical @ fake structures - assumes each department has folders each part number see below:

i know in real world there still cleanup , lot more messy make sense department owns files. said

you create hidden namespaces each partnumber\pn1$

under pn1$ create folder targets each of departments acct, mfg

the path each target data lives in current folder \\server1\data\acct\pn1
create public namespace access data \\\data

create folder target each part number , have target point hidden namespace
pn1 -> \\\pn1$

there still lot of work involved doing lot less painful creating top level folders each part number, assigning authenticated users scope of folder only, creating folders each department, assigning proper permissions on department folder, copy data the new folder , validating permissions x1000 - scripted too. guess real answer come answering is how clean departments keep data, how data, , user acceptance of change.

here blog on design commandline examples

hopefully help

Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage


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