Hyper-V configuration for TMG (or ISA2006)




i have next situation:

host os -  windows 2008r2 + hyperv

guest os - windows 2008r2  ( guest os not have tmg\or isa now ) (it fresh installation)


network cards on host:

1) lan host

2) lan vms

3) external nic, cable dlink adsl modem plugged)


guest os has 2 network connections

1) lan (here use 'lan vms')

2) internet (ip, getawey (here use 'external nic')

lan works fine.

but cannot ping (it ip of adsl modem).

i tried use legacy network adapter did not me.


suggest please how access modem guest os.

i think if make 'ping' enought me.

and deploy tmg on server,


thank you.



ps: tried ping modem host os, , works fine.

modem works in dmz mode ( sends traffic to ip




hi all


i hav esolved task,


when install updates windows update on host , on guest os, ping began work fine,

internet works fine,


thank you

Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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