Object NotFound Command not found

i don't know scripting or powershell, can find simple scripts , modify them environment.

i found script:

import-csv adddns.csv | foreach {
dnscmd $dns /recordadd $zone $($_.name) $($_.ip)

this need, have 250 static entires need make in dns.

i put name of dns server between quotes in place of dnsserver

i put name of zone file between quotes zone.

i have csv file named adddns.csv 

i saved file adddns.ps1 directory , put csv file in same directory.  i try run script powershell, , doesn't work.

the error message is:

"the term 'adddns.ps1' not recognized name of cmdlet, function, script file, or operable progrma. check spelling of name, or if path included, verify path correct , try again,

at line:1 char:19

+ adddns.ps1 <<<<

+categoryinfo :objectnotfound: (adddns.ps1:string) []


+fullyqualifiederrorid :commandnotfoundexception

can explain in layman's terms i'm doing wrong?

thank you, simple, trying run script, except i'm getting invalid parameter.

i know should simple, using dnscmd create record, although found out want pointer record created well.  do add additional switch of /createptr?

so if can see parameter have invalid, , proper syntax using createptr, appreciate help.

thank you

to create ptr record need have last value (or byte can say) of ip address i.e if ip address , need .10 reverse lookup zone has first 3 values of ip address and fqdn name of host.

eg - c:\reverse.csv

ip                                     name

====                               ======

10                                   client1.ad.com

11                                    client2.ad.com

ultimately need prepare 1 more csv file contains data in above format.

below code ,

$dns = "dnsservername" $zone = "ad.com" $reversezone = "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" #creating host records import-csv c:\dns.csv | %{dnscmd $dns /recordadd $zone $($_.name)a $($_.ip)} #creating ptr records import-csv c:\reverse.csv | %{dnscmd /recordadd $reversezone $($_.ip)ptr $($_.name)}

this way of doing it. not sure if others can come better way

hope helps



mcsa|mcitp sa|microsoft exchange 2003 blog - http://prashant1987.wordpress.com disclaimer: posting provided as-is no warranties/guarantees , confers no rights.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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