SSRS 2005 - Hiding Parent Group Based on Conditions from Child Groups while exporting to PDF (to avoid blank pages)


i using ssrs 2005 first of all.

i have groups ordered below :-

parent group = customer

first child group = cg1

second child group = cg2

fourth group = detailed one

now want hide data parent group (customer) based on conditions below :-

condition 1) first child group (cg1)'s closing balance = 0

condition 2) there no transaction in fourth group (detailed one) i.e. count(transaction) = 0 @ detailed level group.

is possible hide parent group based on conditions other child groups ?

pls note while exporting pdf (to avoid having additional blank pages, if there no closing balance + no transaction selected period)

in nutshell, blank pdf pages should not printed such customers, save pages.



according description, want hide parent group based on condition, right?

in reporting services, can use custom expression control visibility of tablix. in scenario, can add visibility expression @ parent group level achieve requirement, please refer following expression:

=iif(sum(fields!value.value) = 0 or fields!trans.value= "transaction",true,false)

if not requirement, please share images expected result.

shrek li

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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