No Network connectivity from Host to Guest and vice versa

i hope here can point me @ right direction. critical machine failed our second dc. have hyper-v host 2 guests running on it. no changes have been made host or failing guest machine. host can talk other vm , vice versa. host has external network configured , has checkbox sharing network adapter checked. vm failing using particular network. failing vm has static ip configured within same subnet host. cannot ping vm host , vm cannot ping host. file , printer sharing enabled on guest. let me know kind of additional info can provide i'll start above. 

hi caltrolit,

do meant host , other vm still work well except vm second dc ?

if the vm can not ping host , other vm , host , other vm can ping each other ,

please try add new network adapter for problematic vm see if vm can work .

(just troubleshooting , 2 nic for dc not recommended .)

also please run cmdlet " get-vmnetworkadaptervlan" on host check if  "mode" untagged .

best regards

elton ji

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Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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