problems after doing P2V of Windows Web Server

we performed p2v of our windows 2003 web server.  server our solarwinds network performance monitor (npm) server. after conversion, servers connecting solarwinds npm server lost connection monitoring. had manually restart snmp on of them. however, shortly thereafter, our web servers started alert because not maintain snmp service connection. reboot of server fixed awhile. but, alerts keep coming. and, can regain connection rebooting server or restarting snmp service.

has seen condition before?  if so, how did resolve it?  have checked each time occurs @ there 2 processes stop:  w3wp , inetinfo.

not applications suited virtualization.  should check solarwinds determine if support product in environment have created.

what sort of virtual adapter have defined windows server 2003 vm?  legacy?  32- or 64-bit windows server 2003?  if 64-bit -

it's more difficult trouble-shoot issues in converted machine.  windows server 2003 developed before virtualization wave hit, not aware of fact running in virtual environment windows server 2008 , 2012 are.  best option upgrade 2012 r2 (remember 2003 goes out of support year) , build scratch.  running vm p2v'ed performance critical application least favorable option.

. : | : . : | : . tim

Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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