GPP Drive Mappings time out settings at logon

hi all,

we have odd issue our temrinal servers and  gpp drive mappings. have old windows server sometimnes falls over. hangs ina way can still ping device can not connect device. 

we have shared drive on machine mapped number of users via gpp. issue when server hangs users can not start new terminal server session login process stalls when trying map drive. 

users on thick client able log in process seems time out, isn't case on the terminal servers. there group policy setting need adjust make sure policy drive mapping process timesout if can not map aa drive after a minute or so?





according search, timeout value controlled keepconn value of registry key, hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\service\lanmanworkstation\parameters.


the client-side session automatically disconnected when idling time lasts more duration set in keepconn. therefore, session disconnected according shorter set duration value between autodisconnect , keepconn. change time-out duration in client-side during unc connection, specify arbitrary time in keepconn.


locate , click following key in registry:


value: keepconn

data type : reg_dword

range : 1 65535 (sec)

default value: 600 sec = 10 mins


for more information, please refer following microsoft kb article:


mapped drive connection network share may lost


if want troubleshoot drive mapping gpp issue, may refer following microsoft technet article:


troubleshooting group policy problems


your guide group policy troubleshooting




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Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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